Meldung vom 04.02.2009

PEZ Lady Adorns 400,000 Stamps

Austria’s Most Famous Candy Now Available as a Postage Stamp

Zu dieser Meldung gibt es: 2 Bilder 2 Dokumente

Kurztext 312 ZeichenPlaintext

On 6 February, Austrian Post will issue a special stamp featuring the classic PEZ design. 400,000 stamps will be printed in this special issue. The famous PEZ lady is featured on the stamp along with the original peppermint candy (Pfefferminzzuckerl) produced by the Austrian candy manufacturer of the same name.

Pressetext 881 ZeichenPlaintext

On 6 February, Austrian Post will issue a special stamp featuring the classic PEZ design. 400,000 stamps will be printed in this special issue. The famous PEZ lady is featured on the stamp along with the original peppermint candy (Pfefferminzzuckerl) produced by the Austrian candy manufacturer of the same name.

The mint candy was invented by Eduard Haas in 1927 and was launched as a healthy alternative to smoking. Until the 1950’s, the mint taste, which was exclusive at that time, was mostly popular with adults. The candies were initially sold in small tins. Haas developed the special dispenser in 1948. The PEZ dispensers are now well-known all over the world. On average, PEZ produces four to six dispenser series every year, each of which features three to six characters.

Über PEZ
PEZ beschäftigt heute weltweit 650 Mitarbeiter wovon 100 in Traun (Oberösterreich) arbeiten. 4,2 Milliarden Zuckerl und 80 Millionen Dispender verkauft das Unternehmen pro Jahr. Disney-Figuren wie Micky Maus und Wall-E, und anderen Comiccharakteren wie Spongebob oder die Looney Tunes findet man auf den weltweit beliebten Dispensern. Auch Berühmtheiten wie Kaiserin Sissi, Mozart oder Elvis zieren die begehrten Sammelobjekte.
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Bilder (2)

PEZ Briefmarke
2 126 x 2 126
PEZ Automat retro
581 x 1 919


02  Mag. Daniela Strasser
Mag. Daniela Strasser

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